Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Be Antibiotics Aware Program
This website is a relevant, current and comprehensive website focusing on antimicrobial stewardship in the inpatient setting. The website discusses the rationale for inpatient stewardship, addresses the key steps for implementing or improving an ASP, provides links to resources, sample tools such as antimicrobial order forms and business plans, suggestions for stewardship metrics, supporting evidence in the literature, and success stories from ASPs around the country. This website is helpful for the entire stewardship team and any inpatient healthcare provider interested in stewardship.
Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists (SIDP) Antimicrobial Stewardship Training Program
This program is an intensive practice-based activity for pharmacists focusing on the pharmacist's role in promoting appropriate use of antimicrobial agents. Upon completion of the program, the clinical pharmacist will have developed a strong working knowledge of microbiology, pharmacology and disease state management, as well as the tools and steps necessary to implement a successful ASP. This activity is divided into three phases: a self-study learning component, live webinars, and a skills component (practicum). Fee required. ACPE accredited.
Making a Difference in Infectious Diseases Pharmacotherapy (MAD-ID) Antimicrobial Stewardship Training Programs
Like SIDP, MAD-ID provides practice-based activities for pharmacists focusing on the pharmacist’s role in promoting appropriate use of antimicrobials. MAD-ID offers two levels of programming for pharmacists. The entry-level course is designed to teach basic skills and provide an overview of antimicrobial stewardship practice needed to develop an ASP. The advanced course is a more intensive program designed for clinical pharmacists with some experience in the practice of infectious diseases and antimicrobial stewardship and addresses such topics as stewardship application in specific settings and patient populations, collecting and analyzing stewardship metrics, and novel approaches to promote stewardship programs and initiatives. Fee required. ACPE accredited.
The Joint Commission (TJC) Antimicrobial Stewardship Toolkit
This resource is free of charge for registered visitors to the TJC website. It is a 96-page, well-referenced series of 5 educational modules focusing on relationship building, writing a business plan, implementing an ASP, using an ASP to improve usage of antimicrobials, and measuring and reporting stewardship metrics. The modules build upon one another, so there is some redundancy in the series, but overall it is an excellent resource written by experts and innovators in antimicrobial stewardship.